On-Demand Vet CPD Courses

Abdominal Ultrasound (On-Demand)

Emilie Hanot
This learning series with specialist Emilie Hanot will give delegates the tools to perform diagnostic abdominal ultrasound in practice on a wide variety of cases. It covers machine set up, which probe to use and how to optimise the image to make sure you can get the best out of your machine in...

Endocrine Emergencies (On-Demand)

Rob Foale
Rob Foale
The clinical signs of an endocrine disease and the signs of an animal under treatment becoming unstable, can often slip under the radar until a crisis point is reached. Recognising that an endocrine disorder may be the underlying aetiology for an animal presenting as an emergency is vital for...

A Practical Introduction to Orthopaedics

Turlough O’Neill
This learning series with Turlough O'Neill covers many of the common orthopaedic presentations seen in practice with a mixture of detailed theory videos and short practical videos demonstrating the surgical techniques described. The purpose of the course is to give participants the knowledge...

Practical Internal Medicine: Tapping Into Diagnostics

Jon Wray
27th September 2024
The Clinical Skills Lab, London
Pale, feverish and breathless! This highly practical one-day course with Jon Wray FRCVS, will explore the diagnosis and management of anaemia, fever and pleural space disease.
Vet Practical
On-demand Courses

Central CPD On-demand is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of veterinary-related clinical and non-clinical lectures, how-to videos and much more on internet-connected devices.

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