Craig Hunt


RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine

Following graduation from the RVC in 1997, Craig worked for 5 years in mixed practice in East Sussex, followed by 3 years in small animal/exotic practice in Gloucestershire before settling at Chine House Veterinary Hospital in Leicestershire. His caseload is almost exclusively 1st and 2nd opinion exotic companion with a roughly equal proportion of avian, reptile and small mammal patients. In addition to clinical work he regularly teaches at Nottingham veterinary school, lectures nationally and has written numerous articles and book chapters relating to rabbit and exotic animal medicine and surgery.

Craig Hunt lectures on the following courses

Rabbit Dentistry

Craig Hunt
A four-part learning series on rabbit dentistry with Craig Hunt. This learning series covers the aetiology, prevention and management of rabbit dental disease, as well as anaesthesia of the dental patient. Case examples and practical demonstrations on cadavers are used throughout the series...
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